Dr hab. Marek Wolf

List of publications:

  1. J.T.Łopuszański , M.Wolf, "Central Charges in the Massive Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory of Scalar, Spinor and Vector Fields", Nucl.Phys. B184 (1981), 133
  2. M.Wolf, Note on the Rotations in Grassmann Spinor Variables", preprint IFT No 492
  3. M.Wolf, "The Connection between the Multiplicity of Supersymmetry and the Spin of Fields", in "Gauge Field Theories", ed.W.Garczyński, proc. of XVII Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Karpacz 1981, Harwood, London, p.693
  4. J.T.Łopuszański , M.Wolf, "Central Charges and Lorentz and Internal Symmetries in Massive Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory", Nucl.Phys. B198 (1982), p.280
  5. J.T.Łopuszański , M.Wolf, "On the Structure of Central Charges in the Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theory", preprint IFT No 559,
  6. M.Wolf, "Algebraic Structure Hidden in the Parisi-Sourlas Model", preprint IFT No 655(85)
  7. M.Wolf, " On the Form of the Supersymmetry Algebra for Massive Free Fields", Acta Physica Polonica B18 (1987), 243
  8. M.Wolf, "Algebraic properties of the Parisi-Sourlas Model", in "Nonperturbative Methods in QFT", ed.Z.Horvath, World Scientific, Singapore, 1987, p.405
  9. M.Wolf, "Canonical Quantization of the Parisi-Sourlas Model", Zeitschrift f.Physik C36 (1987), p.61
  10. M.Wolf, "An example of order and disorder : Ax_n+B mod C " Int.Journ.Theoret.Phys., 27 (1988), p.73
  11. M.Wolf, "Numerical simulations of the Diffusion Limited Aggregation on the Torus" , J.Phys. A21(1988), p.L159
  12. M.Wolf, "Czy w Przyrodzie istnieje piąta siła?" (in Polish), Wszechświat No 1 (1988), p.6
  13. M.Wolf, "Zawsze 47" , (in Polish) "Delta", 1 (1988), p.7
  14. M.Wolf, "Wykłady z kwantowej teorii pola", (in Polish), mimeographed notes, Uniwersity Wroclaw Press, 198 pages
  15. M.Wolf, "On the Cat Mapping and the Fibbonacci Numbers", Rept.Math.Phys. 29 (1991) p.383
  16. M.Wolf, "A complex behaviour of the gas of particles moving according to the equation ", "Chaos and Complexity", edts.H.Livi, et al, World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, Hong Kong 1988, p.113
  17. M.Wolf, "Diffusion Limited Aggregation on the torus", "Universalities in Condensed Matter", edts.R.Jullien et al, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg 1988, p.162
  18. M.Wolf, "Multifractality of Prime Numbers", Physica A160 (1989), p.24
  19. M.Wolf, "Are the cusps in the plots of a real effect ?", J.Phys. A22 (1989), p.L1075
  20. M.Wolf, "Evidence for the first order phase transition in the multifractal spectrum of DLA", J.Phys. A23 (1990), p.L1287
  21. M.Wolf, "Fractals:A Short Introduction", Tenth School on Biophysics of Membrane Transport, School Proceedings 1990, vol.II, p.195
  22. M.Wolf, "Hitting probabilities of the diffusion-limited aggregation clusters" , Phys.Rev.A43, (1991), p.5504
  23. M.Wolf, "Moda na fraktale" (in Polish) , Computerworld 7(37) (1992), p.14
  24. M.Wolf, "Liczba Drake'a" , (in Polish) Wiedza i /Zycie 7 (1992), p.58. Tutaj jest kolorowy skan z czasopisma
  25. S.Schwarzer, M.Wolf, S.Havlin , P.Meakin and H.E.Stanley, "Multifractal spectrum of off-lattice 3D diffusion-limited aggregation" Phys.Rev. A46 (1992) p.R3016
  26. M.Wolf, "Fractal Structures and their measures" Eleventh School on Biophysics of Membrane Transport, School Proceedings 1992, vol.2, p.263
  27. M.Wolf, "Size dependence of the minimum growth probabilities of typical diffusion-limited aggregation clusters", Phys.Rev. E47 (1993), p.1448
  28. M.Wolf, Stworzenie Świata, , Słowo Polskie, nr 18//1993 z 22.I 1993
  29. H.E.Stanley, , A.Coniglio, S.Havlin ,J.Lee, S.Schwarzer, M.Wolf Diffusion-Limited Aggregation: a paradigm of disorderly fractal growth, Physica A205 (1994) p.254-271
  30. M.Wolf, Rozwiązywanie równania Laplace'a metodą nadrelaksacji, 1 Szkoła Fizyki Komputerowej, Kraków 1994, p.374-375
  31. M.Wolf, Fraktale, komputery i muzyka , w Systemy, Symetria, Ewolucja, edts. A.Jezierski et al (wyd. Leopoldinum, Wrocław, 1995), str. 125-150
  32. M.Wolf, Multifraktalność śniegu, w I Konf./Srod. KOWBAN, Wrocław, 1994, p.201-206
  33. Z.Galasiewicz, M.Wolf, Remarks on the Uemura plot for weakly interacting charged Bose fluids, Physica C248 (1995), p.49-54
  34. M.Wolf, Fraktale -- przyszłoœć reklamy?, AIDA No.1 (1996), s.5--8
  35. M.Wolf, Multifractality of snowflakes, Fractals 4 (1996), pp.477-493
  36. Chaos - The Interplay Between Stochastic and Deterministic Behaviour , P.Garbaczewski , M.Wolf i A.Weron Eds. (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 1995)
  37. M.Wolf, Some conjecturees on the gaps between consecutive primes , preprint IFTUWr 894//95
  38. XXXI Zimowa Szkoła Fizyki Teoretycznej, wspólnie z P.Garbaczewskim, Postępy Fizyki 46(1995), str. 519-521
  39. M.Wolf, Multifractality of random products, Journal of Technical Physics 37 (1996), s.441-444
  40. M.Wolf, 1/f noise in the distribution of primes, Physica A241 (1997), p.439-499
  41. M.Wolf, recenzja I tomu książki H.-O. Peitgen, H.Jürgens, D.Saupe, Granice Chaosu. Fraktale, Postępy Fizyki 47 (1996), s. 297
  42. M.Wolf, Unexpected Regularities in the Distribution of Prime Numbers , w Proc. of the 8th Joint EPS-APS Int.Conf. Physics Computing'96, edts. P.Borcherds et al, Kraków, 1996, s. 361-367 ( here is not-scanned version and not compressed to 6 pages version)
  43. M.Wolf, On the Twin and Cousin Primes , preprint IFTUWr August 1996, IFTUWr 909/96
  44. M.Wolf, Fraktalne własności muzyki, Foton, 48 (1997), s. 18-25
  45. M.Wolf, Generalized Brun's Constants , preprint IFTUWr 910//97, March 1997
  46. M.Wolf, First occurence of a given gap between consecutive primes , preprint IFTUWr 911//97, April 1997
  47. M.Wolf, An Analog of the Skewes number for twins primes , preprint IFTUWr 915//97, August 1997,
  48. posted on arxiv
  49. M.Wolf, recenzja II tomu książki H.-O. Peitgen, H.Jürgens, D.Saupe, Granice Chaosu. Fraktale, Postępy Fizyki 48 (1997), s. 392-395
  50. M.Wolf, Random Walk on Prime Numbers, Physica A250 (1998), p. 335-344
  51. M.Wolf, recenzja ksiazki D.Stauffer, H.E.Stanley Od Newtona do Mandelbrota , Postępy Fizyki, 49 (1998), s.49
  52. A. Odlyzko , M.Rubinstein , M.Wolf, Jumping Champions , Experimental Mathematics, 8 (1999), p.107
  53. R.Rudnicki and M.Wolf, Random Walk with Memory , Journ.Math.Phys. 40 (1999) 3072--3083
  54. M.Wolf, Applications of Statistical Mechanics in Number Theory Physica A274 (1999) p.149--157
  55. J.Przystawa and M.Wolf,  Violation of Interest-Rate Parity: a Polish Example, Physica A285 (2000) p.220
  56. M.Wolf,  Prawo Zipfa, samopodobienstwo i muzyka  w Przestrzeń w nauce współczesnej pod red. S. Symiotiuka i i G. Nowaka, (Wyd. UMCS, Lublin 2000) (tutaj jest  ps)
  57. M.Wolf,  Some Remarks on the Distribution of twin Primes   (2001)
  58. J.Przystawa and M.Wolf,  The Bagsik oscillator without complex numbers,   Physica A312 (2002) p.591
  59. M.Wolf,  recenzja książki J.R. Dorfman: Wprowadzenie do teorii chaosu w nierównowagowej mechanice statystycznej , Postępy Fizyki 54 (2003), s. 133-134
  60.  M.Wolf, Numerical evidence in favor of the Arenstorf formula (2004)
  61. M.Wolf, recenzja książki Michał Tempczyk Teoria chaosu dla odważnych Postępy Fizyki, 56 (2005), str. 89
  62.  K. Malachowski, M. Wolf,  Repopulation: is it inevitably? (2006)
  63. M. Wolf, Evidence in favor of the Baez-Duarte criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis Computational Methods in Science and Technology v.14 (2008) p.47
  64. J. Cislo, M.Wolf,  Equivalence of Riesz and Baez-Duarte criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis (2006)
  65. M.Wolf,  recenzja książki Iwo Białynicki-Birula, Iwona Białynicka-Birula: Modelowanie rzeczywistości. Jak w komputerze przegląda się świat , Postępy Fizyki 58 (2007), s. 234-235
  66. J. Cislo, M.Wolf,  On the Riesz and Baez-Duarte criteria for the Riemann Hypothesis (2008) (it is a completely new version of the paper [61])
  67. J. Cislo, M.Wolf,  Criteria equivalent to the Riemann Hypothesis, published as AIP Conf. Proc. -- November 18, 2008 -- Volume 1079, pp. 268-273 GEOMETRIC METHODS IN PHYSICS, edts. P. Kielanowski et al
  68. M. Wolf,  Failed attempt to disprove the Riemann Hypothesis (2009)
  69. M. Wolf,  Remark on the irrationality of the Brun's constant (2010)
  70. M. Wolf,  Continued fractions constructed from prime numbers (2010)
  71. Nilotpal Kanti Sinha, Marek Wolf,  On a unified theory of numbers (2010)
  72. M. Wolf,  A Note on the Andrica Conjecture (2010)
  73. M. Wolf,  Some heuristics on the gaps between consecutive primes (2011)
  74. M. Wolf,  The Skewes number for twin primes: counting sign changes of   π2(x)-C2 Li2(x), Computational Methods in Science and Technology v.17 (2011) p.87
  75. M. Wolf,  Computer experiments with Mersenne primes, Computational Methods in Science and Technology v.19 (3) 2013, 157-165
  76. M. Wolf,  Some Conjectures on Primes of the form m²+1, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory vol.5 no.2 (2013), p.103
  77. M. Wolf,   Nearest neighbor spacing distribution of prime numbers and quantum chaos Phys. Rev. E 89: 022922
  78. M. Wolf,  Some remarks on the Báez-Duarte criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis, Computational Methods in Science and Technology v.20 (2) 2014, 39-47
  79. M. Wolf,  Comment on the paper “A New Method for Symbolic Sequences Analysis. An Application to Long Sequences”, Computational Methods in Science and Technology v.21 (2) (99-102) (2015)
  80. M. Wolf,  Spojrzenie fizyka na Hipotezę Riemanna, Wiad. Mat. 51 (2) 2015, 189-–217
  81. A. Marciniak, M. Wolf,  A Note on the Singh Six-order Variant of Newton’s Method, Computational Methods in Science and Technology v.21 (4) (261-264), (2015)
  82. A. Patkowski , M. Wolf,  Some Remarks on Glaisher-Ramanujan Type Integrals, Computational Methods in Science and Technology v.22 (2) (103-108), (2016)
  83. M. Wolf,  On the moments of the gaps between consecutive primes (2017)
  84. M. Wolf,  Negative moments of the gaps between consecutive primes (2018)
  85. M. Wolf,  Two arguments that the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function are irrational, Computational Methods in Science and Technology Volume 24 (4) pp. 215–-220, (2018)
  86. A. Kourbatov, M. Wolf,  Predicting maximal gaps in sets of primes, Mathematics 7(5), 400 (2019)
  87. M. Wolf,  6+infinity new expressions for the Euler-Mascheroni constant (2019)
  88. A. Kourbatov, M. Wolf,  On the first occurrences of gaps between primes in a residue class, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 23 (2020), Article 20.9.3
  89. M. Wolf,  Will a physicist prove the Riemann Hypothesis? Reports on Progress in Physics, vol. 83 (n.3) (2020) 036001
  90. M. Wolf,  Two arguments that the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function are irrational. II Computational Methods in Science and Technology Volume 26 (2) pp. 47-–53, (2020)
  91. K.D. Maslanka, M. Wolf,  Are the Stieltjes constants irrational? Some computer experiments Computational Methods in Science and Technology Volume 26(3) pp.77–-87 (2020),
  92. M. Wolf, Freeman John Dyson – buntownik i heretyk (1923-2020) Biuletyn PTM nr 2(2020), str. 6 (in Polish)
  93. J. Sondow, C. Dumitrescu, M. Wolf, The Riemann Hypothesis is most likely not true
  94. M. Wolf,  A Toy Model for the Diffusion-Limited Aggregation Computational Methods in Science and Technology Volume 27(4) pp. 151–157 (2020),
  95. C. Dumitrescu, M. Wolf, Almost all of the nontrivial zeros of the Riemann zeta-function are on the critical line
  96. C. Dumitrescu, M. Wolf, The Disproof of the Riemann Hypothesis
  97. M. Wolf,  Numerical determination of a certain mathematical constant related to the Mobius function Computational Methods in Science and Technology Volume 29(1-2) pp.17–20 (2023),
  98. M. Wolf,  Plato was right
