Born July 10-th, 1956, Nowa Ruda, Poland
Children: daughter Magdalena, born 20 July
1993 and Marta, born 24 April 1999
Nationality: Polish
Work Address: Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University,
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. College of Sciences
ul. Woycickiego 1/3, PL-01-938 Warsaw, Poland, e-mail:
Department of Physics, University of Wrocaw,
- M.Sc. in Physics, thesis: The Virasoro Algebra in the
String Theory, University of Wrocaw, 1978, supervisor Prof. Z. Haba
- Ph.D. in Physics, thesis: Central Charges in the Supersymmetric
Quantum Field Theory, University of Wrocaw, 1982, supervisor Prof. J.T.
- Habilitation thesis: Application of multifractality in
the number theory and fractal growth phenomena, University of Wrocaw,
- Post-graduate study in Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocaw,
- Research Assistant, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University
of Wrocaw, 1981-1983
- Adjunct, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocaw,
1983 -2012
- Profesor at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University,
Warsaw, 2011- present
- Polish Physical Society Award for M.Sc. thesis, 1978
- M.Smoluchowski Award of the Polish Academy of Sciences for good
studies, 1978
- Ministery of Education Award for Ph.D.thesis, 1983
- Rector of University of Wrocaw Award, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1989, 1990,
1994, 2004
Speaker (selected):
- Winter School of Theoretical Physics, Karpacz, Poland, 1981
- Nonperturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory, Siofok, Hungary,
- Universalities in Condensed Matter Physics, Les Houches, France,
- Physics of Inhomogeneous Materials, Trieste, Italy, 1991 (invited
- Multifractal Analysis, Utrech, Holland, 1996
- XX Journees Arithmetiques, Limoges, France, 1997
- Symposium on Stochastic Processes in Chemistry, Cancun, Mexico,
1997 (invited speaker)
- CWI Number Theory Day, Amsterdam, May 1998 (invidet speaker)
Other conferences attended (selected):
- NATO Advanced Study Institute, Keiserslautern (FRG), 1979
- NATO Advanced Study Institute, Bad Honnef (FRG), 1980
- Schools on Supergravity and Supersymmetry, ICTP, Trieste,
1981, 1982, 1984, 1986, 1987
- MECO, Hungary 1990 (posters presented)
- Dynamics Days, Düsseldorf 1990, (posters presented)
- Dynamics Days, Rydzyna, 1992, (poster presented)
- MECO, Slovakia, 1994, (poster presented)
- Dynamics Days, Budapest 1994, (poster presented)
- Multifractal Analysis, Utrech 1996 (poster presented)
Visiting Scientist:
- University of Florence, Italy, November 1983 and November 1984
- Institute of Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, August 1990
- Center for Polymer Studies, Boston University , March-July 1991
- BiBoS, Bielefeld University (Germany), September 1992
- Center for Polymer Studies, Boston University, April-June 1993
- Centro de investigaciones teoricas, UNAM, Mexico City, July 1996,
November-December 1997
- Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University,
November 1997
- Max Planck Institute Dresden, January - February 1999
Grants received: 1992 and 1993-1995 : individual grants from Polish
Scientific Committee, 1994-1997 : principal investigator, grant from Polish
Scientific Committee.
Research interests: In the late seventies and in the early eighties
I was working on strings and supersymmetry. For short time I was interested
in stochastic quantization. In 1984 I bought the famous ZX Spectrum computer
and I turned from quantum field theory to fractals and chaos. In particular
I was interested in Cellular Automata, Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, fractal
growth processes, multifractality, Self-Organized Criticality and recently
in the distribution of prime numbers and quantum chaos. I am writing my
programs in Fortran, Pascal and I am familiar with Reduce, Maple and Pari.
In my early works on DLA i wrote several routines in assembly language.
Teaching Experience: For many years I was teaching students at
University of Wrocaw. I gave among others courses on quantum mechanics,
quantum field theory, fractals and chaos, algorithms and data structures,
electrodynamics I and II, probability, mathematical economy, mathematical
aspects of tomography. Supervisor of seven master degree thesis. I have
been interviewer of applicants for physical, mathematical and computer sciences
studies for many years.
Other experience: Co-organizer of the XXXI Karpacz Winter School.
Referee of two Ph.D. thesis and three habilitation thesis. Many times I
was a grant reviewer for the Polish Scientific Committee.